Monday, January 11, 2010

Sore Tooth Remedies Any Home Remedies For Wisom Teeth Removal Pain?

Any home remedies for wisom teeth removal pain? - sore tooth remedies

I had all 4 wisdom teeth in 5 days, and I'm still in pain is unbearable. I am co-analgesic in hospital cadomol and Nurofen. I was so bad these days, a constant feeling nausea and fainty. My throat was very swollen from surgery, and I can feel the almonds on the back of the tongue. Please do compensate for a sore jaw, sore throat or no connection with the removal of wisdom teeth, would be great!



Ty The Challenger said...

Place a small piece of fresh sage - Who Cares was selected to be a business, almost 1 inch cubes - and near the swelling held between his teeth. It's faster than any other drug.

Ty The Challenger said...

Place a small piece of fresh sage - Who Cares was selected to be a business, almost 1 inch cubes - and near the swelling held between his teeth. It's faster than any other drug.

stacey.p... said...

Hello, I feel for you, as I havent thought of my last two in the last week and luckily as bad as I do I know if it helps, but if you try to gargle with salt water. Who could know that their removal? They told me, gargle with salt water, take co-codamol and ibuprofen. I do not think you can take painkillers, unless the recipe with your family doctor. But if you can, try the salt water. I hope to facilitate loans. take care x

stacey.p... said...

Hello, I feel for you, as I havent thought of my last two in the last week and luckily as bad as I do I know if it helps, but if you try to gargle with salt water. Who could know that their removal? They told me, gargle with salt water, take co-codamol and ibuprofen. I do not think you can take painkillers, unless the recipe with your family doctor. But if you can, try the salt water. I hope to facilitate loans. take care x

Lat H said...

warm salt rinse with water and 3 to 5 times per day in the hope of alleviating pain
Ice packs and foreign assistance
if the pain is in the next 2 days, you should consult your doctor. immediately, you can suffer from a condition called dry socket occurs in some people after the extraction

lil_Qti said...

The pain is not so bad, after 5 days - can cause an infection or alveolitis.

Visit your dentist for a next appointment.

During this time wearing ice packs and take Advil or Motrin (IB Profen reduces inflammation).

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